Kintyre Gin and Linda McCartney

Kintyre Gin and Linda McCartney

We are VERY excited to be partnering up with Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum to provide Kintyre Gin and tonics for a special private viewing of the Linda McCartney photography exhibition that is currently on display there.

It is a fantastic collection of Linda’s photography work, spanning many decades, and truly showcases her raw talent for capturing the heart and soul of what or who she was pointing the lens at. Intimate family snaps, many taken here in Kintyre, sit side-by-side with images of rock stars and actors and tell a fascinating story of her prolific career and family life. Linda adored Kintyre and was very fondly thought of by the local population. It was the perfect place to bring her young family to escape the madness of the celebrity world and they spent many holidays here at their farm just outside Campbeltown.

There are a few shots of scenes around Campbeltown including one showing five distillery workers finishing their shift.  I have it on good authority that two of the five are still living in the town. I wonder if they aware they’re on display to a global audience in the gallery!

Live music on the night will be performed by Kintyre musician, Lorne MacDougall and his band.

The event takes place on Wednesday 16 October from 6pm. Tickets are on sale for £30 from Glasgow Life  which includes a Kintyre G&T, a token for the bar and a miniature 5cl Kintyre Gin to take home.
