World Skimming Champion!

World Skimming Champion!

We have an actual WORLD CHAMPION in our wee team! 

Lynsay has been with us for two years and excelled in her role as assistant distiller before gallantly stepping into head distiller Su Black’s shoes when she left us earlier this year. 

We had no doubt about her considerable transferable skills when she started working at Beinn an Tuirc and she has continued to impress with achievements in and out of work.  

As a highly skilled amateur golfer, Lynsay often tops the leaderboard at our local club in Carradale. Last year, along with her son, sister and a pal, they topped the Glen Scotia AmAm tournament with a record score. Her game plan is to casually remark that she’s going to win and that method hasn’t failed her yet. 

It was no surprise at all to learn that Lynsay also excels at stone skimming and has achieved 2nd place TWICE at the World Stone Skimming Championship at Easdale Island, just up the road, near Oban. 

The pressure was on this year at the first post-pandemic tournament on September 24th. As well as the “I’m going to win” mantra, Lynsay also adopted a strict weight-training programme in between emptying gin buckets in the distillery. To the delight of the entire Kintyre population and beyond, our Lynsay threw an absolute belter of a 42m skim.  This was the furthest adult female throw in the competition and gained her the world title in that category. A tremendous achievement for Lynsay and a joyous result for everyone who believed in her. 

It was back to the grind on Monday morning though. Even world champions have to get the day job done!

Adult Female World Skimming Champion 2023 – Lynsay McGeachy
